There is a difference between being self-employed and being a business owner. Check out today’s video to learn more about these differences, knowing them will help you build and grow your business more meaningful.
If you want to direct your life on a path of continual positive change, then you need to tap into the most powerful force for change in the universe. Fortunately for you, that force is always with you, ready to lend a hand if you just ask.
Entrepreneurship has become a most popular vehicle for value creation and entrepreneurs seen as change makers that can help us address some of the most pressing socio economic challenges - like
A 2 minute overview of the Business Model Canvas, a tool for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. This method from the bestselling management book Business Model Generation is applied in leading organizations and start-ups worldwide.
The first 1 000 days are said to be make or break for any new venture. However, getting through these critical days will enable entrepreneurs to realise what drives the business and what is it that needs to be reviewed.